Sportsmax Limited unveils cutting-edge studio at Digicel headquarters in Kingston

By September 15, 2023

In a groundbreaking move, Sportsmax Limited, the leading sports broadcasting channel in the Caribbean, has launched a state-of-the-art studio and production facility at its parent company Digicel Headquarters, located at 14 Ocean Boulevard in downtown Kingston. This multi-million-dollar investment marks a significant milestone in the evolution of sports broadcasting in the region.

For the past 13 years, Sportsmax had been broadcasting from its previous location at 22 Chalmers Avenue in Kingston, where it further established itself as the premier sports channel in the Caribbean, reaching millions of viewers across 26 countries.

At the launch event, Digicel Group CEO Oliver Coughlan emphasized the substantial investment made to upgrade the facilities to accommodate this move to downtown Kingston. He underlined the broader strategy behind Digicel's involvement in the sports media landscape, saying, "Over 10 years ago, Digicel made a strategic decision to get involved, purchase, and become a partner of Sports Max. We did it because our core competency is mobile, but we wanted to be a total entertainment provider."

Coughlan continued, "We want to have the best content across the Caribbean, and I think it's only fitting that this studio is in Jamaica because as an Irish person when I came here first, you know, we all know your track and field gods and goddesses. We watch them from across the world. When we come here and we see the religion that track and field is, it's just amazing to watch."

Regarding the upgraded studio's capabilities and offerings, Coughlan elaborated, "We see this as just another stepping stone in that amazing development of Sports Max within the digital family. This is state-of-the-art. It was an investment that I must thank Gyorgy for. When I came here about three years ago now, Gyorgy came up with a business plan and to invest a large sum of money, and that very first meeting we had has now resulted in this state-of-the-art complex."

Gyorgy Zsembery, Group Chief Executive Officer, Home and Entertainment at Digicel, shared insights into the goals and plans for the new facility, stating, "So my thoughts are very simple, you know. Sports Max started as a sports channel, but this is a media company with a lot of capabilities how to produce anything as it is now. It's not just sports channels what we produce, and also we do live productions, events, productions all the way to advertising."

Zsembery further emphasized the regional impact of this investment, saying, "We want to develop this business that others also use it, but at the same time we know that for our products, we have the best technical infrastructure. And you know it can be used for apps, it can be used for anything which is related to media or entertainment. So definitely not just moving something existing into this, but how to develop further for any companies in the region."

Regarding the new broadcast studio, Zsembery emphasized that it is comparable to the very best in the world.

“This is real like ESPN, Sky, CNN, the same level because I think when you do something you always have to do the best, which is in this moment the latest (technology). So we decided that we're investing into the best.”

Nicolas Matthews, CEO of Sportsmax Limited, highlighted the channel's rich history and its commitment to delivering exceptional content, saying, "We have been broadcasting and producing several sporting content for over 21 years. "

Matthews also shared exciting news about future programming, stating, "In addition to this extensive list of content, we will also provide the most anticipated event on the sporting calendar. Do you know what this is? All right, but this is the 2024 Paris Olympics next year. And guess what? We will be there and we'll be showing you Shericka Jackson breaking the 200-meter world record and we'll also be putting the cap on Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce's retirement from track and field because she'll be performing at the Olympics in 2024."

In emphasizing the studio's capabilities and future potential, Matthews stated, "We haven't simply rebranded or relocated. We have reimagined the metaphorical ladder into an escalator which has now enabled us to not only meet our viewers' needs but has driven us to become the go-to business enterprise in media. We are now more equipped to efficiently handle all facets of production both in studio and outside broadcasts and you can look forward to this new state-of-the-art facility that our team has been expertly trained to operate and ensuring that we give you the best meter solutions available in the Caribbean. And I tell you when you see this, there's nothing else like this in the Caribbean."

Matthews and Zsembery cut the ribbon to unveil the new studio, which drew immediate praise from the awestruck guests that included Tessanne Chin, the winner of the 2013 edition of the Voice, who performed for the historic occasion.

With its new state-of-the-art facility, Sportsmax Limited is poised to continue its legacy of delivering top-quality sports content to the Caribbean and beyond, cementing its position as a premier sports broadcasting channel in the region.


Leighton Levy

Leighton Levy is a journalist with 28 years’ experience covering crime, entertainment, and sports. He joined the staff at SportsMax.TV as a content editor two years ago and is enjoying the experience of developing sports content and new ideas. At he is pursuing his true passion - sports.

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    USD$7500 would be reserved for relay gold medals with silver and bronze medals earning USD$5000 and USD$2000, respectively.




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